När en svensk medborgare avlider i Spanien skall alltid svenska ambassaden/konsulatet kontaktas. Dessa ombesörjer sen i sin tur kontakten med svenska myndigheter, dvs skattemyndigheterna, försäkringskassan och UD. Ambassaden behöver den spanska dödsattesten, Certificado de defunción, samt en kopia på passet.
En läkare utfärdar dödsattesten och om medborgaren avlider på ett sjukhus brukar sjukhuset hjälpa till med att kontakta en begravningsentreprenör som tar hand om det praktiska vid begravningen.
I mitt fall där dödsfallet skedde i hemmet, så fick jag nästa dag åka till Instituto Anatómico Forense, och på plats fanns många begravningsentreprenörer som var ivriga att få uppdraget, det var nästan som budgivning på plats, fruktansvärt 😥
I många fall har begravningsentreprenören ansvaret att överlämna dödsattesten till närmast anhörig när den är färdig, men inte alltid. Det förstnämnda gäller t ex om den avlidne bodde i Madrid, dock inte i kranskommuner, som i mitt fall. Efter tio arbetsdagar kunde jag hämta den hos Registro Civil i min kommun, det är myndigheten som ansvarar för befolkningsregistret. Innan man har Certificado de Defunción, så kan man inte göra någonting. Det är det absolut viktigaste pappret i början av processen.
Mer läsning hos Sveriges ambassad i Madrid.
Etiketter: begravning, Certificado de Defunción, dödsattest, Registro Civil, Spanien
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These pieces really set a standard in the inusrtdy.
Even on days I don't work (like most of 'em lately) I drop in here for the pearls of wisdom that litter the landscape. It's a sad day that isn't started with a visit to VFTP. Worth the wait for my dial up connection to download any and all snark that comes my way.Rob J
You mean the elections where new members had to be recruited just to pad the polls? You mean the elections where the incumbents had to spend $2000 to send out postcards to maintain their grip on control and still lost the presidency and two trustee seats and in reality lost the treasurer seat except through fraudulently counting ineligible voters. Those election numbers? OK, my mistake. You can’t even come up with original retorts. Watched a little too much Pee Wee Herman did ya?
You have a few dragons in your clouds today Cloudia, that's good right!! Love Candice Bergen's quote, there has to be some benefits from getting older haha! I hope you are having a beautiful weekend.
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I loved this interview! Thank you. I am going to watch it again and take serious notes. I believe many people in our society are clinging to the hope that our economy will bounce back and be just as it was; what was referred to as a “false idol.” Our economy is shifting and we can’t stop it. The definition of what is valuable is changing. People don’t want to change. Change is hard. But change is the only constant in all of life. It sounds like a cliche but we really are at the dawn of a new age. It’s exciting and a little scary. Let’s embrace it.
I’m doing this walk in a couple of weeks, was getting worried as training not been going very well! Glad to hear it isn’t as horrendous as I thought, given me a good shot of confidence! Thanks
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